
Speak Science is a non-profit cultural association founded in 2014, aimed at promoting scientific, technological, and humanistic culture. With over 150 members, it organizes educational and outreach events and projects in collaboration with research institutions, universities, companies, and other cultural associations. Since 2018, Speak Science has been registered under number 2393 in the Lazio Region’s Register of Associations (established by Regional Law No. 22/1999).

Some of the main projects carried out over the years by the Association:

  • Since September 2017, Planets in a Room
    Collaborations: INAF (National Institute of Astrophysics); University Roma Tre
    Planets in a Room is an educational and outreach project carried out in collaboration with INAF‐IAPS and the University Roma Tre. Planets in a Room is a do-it-yourself kit to build a low-cost spherical projector to show planets and the sky. It was selected as the winner of the Europlanet Outreach Funding Scheme in 2017 and among the 19 Recommended Projects of 2018 selected by the IAU’s Office of Astronomy for Development. Since 2018, Planets in a Room has been used in Italy and abroad at public events, educational workshops, and other events. Planets in a Room has also been presented at numerous scientific conferences and has been the subject of many articles.
  • Since January 2017, LS‐EDU project e‐learning platform
    Collaborations: University Roma Tre
    Since 2017, Speak Science has been involved in the development and management of the e‐learning platform for the online Modern Physics Course, commissioned by the MIUR (Directorate General for School Regulations and School Autonomy) and implemented by the Department of Sciences of the University of Roma Tre. The course is aimed at Mathematics and Physics teachers throughout Italy and consists of about 120 hours of traditional frontal lessons.
  • Since 2014, participation in the European Researchers’ Night
    Collaborations: FrascatiScienza
    Speak Science is a partner of the Frascati Science Association, collaborating for the European Researchers’ Night, an event held in the last week of September across Europe. The project is promoted and funded by the European Commission and coordinated and implemented in the municipality of Frascati by Frascati Scienza in collaboration with schools, research institutes, associations, and other entities. For the European Researchers’ Night, Speak Science has organized exhibitions, school activities, and other educational and outreach initiatives over the years, reaching hundreds of thousands of students and people.
  • Since 2017, Inflatable Planets project
    We have designed and created inflatable planets and moons in PVC, printing maps and photographs adapted from real scientific data on inflatable balloons (from 80 cm to 6 meters in diameter) that can be illuminated from the inside for exhibitions, scientific events, and educational activities. The goal is to make astronomy “tangible.”
  • Since 2017, school projects and PCTO
    Collaborations: INAF (National Institute of Astrophysics); University Roma Tre; University of Rome Tor Vergata
    Speak Science is involved in various educational projects for schools in collaboration with research institutions or universities. In recent years, our activities with schools have focused on the following paths:
    – Since 2019, we have been participating in the PCTO programs “A scuola con Pianeti in una stanza” organized both in person and online by INAF-IAPS. Over the years, we have conducted PCTO programs for a total of about 230 students. http://comet.iaps.inaf.it/per-le-scuole/alternanza-scuola-lavoro/
    – Since 2018 to 2020, we participated in organizing the Journalism and Science Communication Internship, a program activated by the University of Rome Tor Vergata in collaboration with INAF-IAPS. Over the two years, we mentored 14 students for a total of 160 hours. http://comet.iaps.inaf.it/per-le-scuole/alternanza-scuola-lavoro/
    – Since 2016 to 2018, we participated in the “Professione Ricercatore” school organized by the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Roma Tre in collaboration with the Roma Tre Section of INFN. The school included seminars, workshops, and interactive activities for third and fourth-year students. https://professionericercatore.wordpress.com/